General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR Privacy Notice and Request for Consent

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR (EU 2016/679), is a regulation concerning the collection, 在遵守《博天堂官方网页》(GDPR)的国家保护和处理个人(“数据主体”)提供的个人数据, regardless of citizenship or residency.  Therefore, 条例中包含的条款和条件以及本通知中详述的条款和条件仅适用于个人实际存在于遵守《博天堂官方网页》的国家之一的情况.  Complete information is available on the European Commission website. 

Privacy Notice

大峡谷州立大学继续致力于收集和处理个人数据的完整性,并遵守适用的数据保护法律. This Privacy Notice, required under the GDPR, presents information about how the University collects, uses and protects personal data you provide as an employee of the University.

1. Data Controller Contact Information
博天堂官方作为数据控制者,决定处理您个人数据的目的和方式. 以下个人是与员工信息相关的GDPR合规性的主要联系人,负责回答有关本通知的问题以及行使数据主体权利的请求.

Megan Bravo
Manager of Talent Acquisition
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (616) 331-2215

Human Resources
1090 James H. Zumberge Hall (1090 JHZ)
Allendale, MI, 49401

2. Purposes for Collecting and Using Data
大学会保存你在申请表上提供的详细资料和所需的任何证明文件. 我们将保存你在格兰德谷工作期间的各种行政和财务记录, 以及您对我们提供的学术和非学术设施和服务的使用情况. 在适当的情况下,我们可能会以公开领域的个人资料补充这些纪录(例如.g. your publications) or other sources (e.g., where relevant, the Higher Education Academy). 

Your personal information is created, 以各种纸张和电子格式安全地存储和传输. 访问您的个人信息仅限于为履行其合同义务而对其有合法利益的员工, and our use of your personal information will not be excessive. 

In addition to this, 大学可能会处理一些属于“敏感”或“特殊类别”的个人资料, and which requires additional protections. This includes information concerning your ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or health/disability for planning and monitoring purposes, or in order to provide care, help or suitable adjustments. For certain roles, other sensitive information may be processed, such as information about past criminal convictions. 访问和分享您的“敏感”个人数据受到非常严格的控制. 我们向你收集资料时,通常会向你提供有关我们使用该等资料的进一步详情.

What is the purpose and legal basis of the processing? 
大学将处理您的个人信息用于一系列合同, statutory or public interest purposes, including the following: 

    •    To assess your suitability for a particular role or task.
    •    To administer payroll and other standard employment functions.
    •    To administer HR-related processes, including those relating to performance/absence management, disciplinary issues and complaints/grievances.
    •    To deliver facilities (e.g. IT, libraries), services (e.g. accommodation, childcare) and staff benefits to you, and where appropriate to monitor your use of those facilities in
           accordance with University policies.
    •    To communicate effectively with you by mail, email and phone, including the distribution of relevant newsletters and circulars.

我们认为出于这些目的处理您的个人信息是履行我们与您的合同义务所必需的(e).g. 管理您的雇佣合同),或履行法律义务所必需的(例如.g. equal opportunities monitoring}, 或为履行我们为公众利益而执行的任务所必需的资料(例如.g. non-statutory reporting or research). 我们要求您向我们提供我们合理要求的任何信息,以便我们管理您的合同. If we require your consent for any specific use of your personal information, 我们会在适当的时间收取,您也可以随时取款. 我们不会使用您的个人信息来执行任何影响您的完全自动化的决策.

3. Sharing and Transferring Data

4. Data Retention
根据大学政策和适用的美国法律的要求保留数据.S. laws and regulations. 我们将您的个人信息存储在您的工作期间,作为员工记录的一部分(并且它可能会被用作我们评估您将来在大峡谷进一步就业的任何申请的一部分)。. 在您离开后,与您的工作有关的某些记录将被无限期保留,以便您的工作细节可以确认,并用于统计或历史研究. 

5. Sensitive Data
In addition to this, 大学可能会处理一些属于“敏感”或“特殊类别”的个人资料, and which requires additional protections. This includes information concerning your ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or health/disability for planning and monitoring purposes, or in order to provide care, help or suitable adjustments. For certain roles, other sensitive information may be processed, such as information about past criminal convictions. 访问和分享您的“敏感”个人数据受到非常严格的控制. 我们向你收集资料时,通常会向你提供有关我们使用该等资料的进一步详情. 

6. Rights of the Data Subject
在欧盟,您将能够行使GDPR第15-22条所述的数据主体权利:访问您的个人数据的权利, right to correct that data, right to have the data erased, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, right to object to processing, right to withdraw consent, the right not to be subject to automated decision-making, 以及向欧盟监管机构提出与gdpr相关的投诉的权利. 请注意,大学是受联邦和州法律,可能要求我们的请求, process and retain and report on certain types of data. 这些法律义务还可能影响我们在响应您行使GDPR数据权利的请求时被允许采取的行动, especially the right to have your data erased. 

7. Importance of Data
By you not providing the requested information, Human Resources is not able to deliver its good and services through payroll, benefits or any other Human Resource function. 

8. Data Protection
The University has put in place reasonable physical, 为防止未经授权访问或使用在线收集的信息而设计的技术和管理保障措施.

Request For Consent 

After reading the above Notice, 请查看下面的请求同意,并在适当的方框中勾选您的选择. 

我的个人资料在欧盟和博天堂官方州立大学及其代表之间传输, pursuant to the conditions and limits specified in the EU GDPR. 

____ I give my consent  _____ I do not give my consent

Signature for Consent

Date ______________________________________________________________

Full Name (print) _____________________________________________________

Signature ____________________________________________________________

Page last modified December 7, 2022